"Learning under COVID-19 conditions" - longitudinal study

We - a research team from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Vienna - have been studying how the COVID-19 situation in schools (distance learning, security measures) affects students, teachers and pupils since the beginning of the pandemic. We are pleased that your school is participating in our longitudinal study. Below are answers to some questions you may have about the study.

What are the goals of the study?

We researchers* want to find out how the COVID-19 burden changes over time and what supports schools need. Through the study, they have the opportunity to give their experiences, concerns, and issues a voice that will be heard! Our study has been widely reported in the media.

What does "longitudinal study" mean?

It means that we survey everyone twice, several weeks apart. This allows us to see how certain things change over time.

When do the questionnaires have to be filled out?

We will send out the first questionnaire after the Easter holidays; you will receive the second one a few weeks later. Please fill out both questionnaires as soon as possible.

Who will be surveyed?

We want to survey schools as a whole, which means that within these schools we ask the school administrators, all teachers and students as well as their parents to complete the questionnaires. We also invite the school principals to participate in a telephone interview.

How long does it take to complete the questionnaire?

We have tested our questionnaires beforehand

  • For school principals: approximately 10 minutes
  • For teachers: approximately 15 - 20 minutes
  • For parents: approximately 15 - 20 minutes
  • For students: approximately 20 - 30 minutes (depending on reading speed)

Can students and parents who do not speak German very well also fill out the questionnaires?

The questionnaire for parents is available in German, English, B/K/S (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian), Turkish, Arabic and Dari.

The questionnaire for students is available in German, English, Turkish, Arabic and Dari.

What exactly do I need to do?

As a school administrator:

Please forward the prepared information texts for teachers and parents to your teachers. In addition, please fill out the questionnaire for school principals by 27.04.2021. In addition, we would like to conduct a telephone interview with you lasting approximately one hour, in which we would like to find out more about how you as a head teacher deal with the situation and what support you would need. We will be contacting you soon to discuss this. 

As teachers:

Please complete the teacher questionnaire by 27.04.2021. If you are a class leader, please forward the prepared informational text to the parents of the students in your class. Please organize time in a class session for students to complete the questionnaire. 

As a parent:

You will receive an email from your child's class teacher with the link to the parent questionnaire and the link to the consent form for your child to participate in the survey.

Please complete the consent form as soon as possible. 

Complete the questionnaire by 27.04.2021. Ideally, all guardians will complete their own questionnaire. The questions are about your personal assessment, so please fill out a separate questionnaire for each.

You can do both online at any time!

As a student:

Please complete the student questionnaire by 27.04.2021! You will be told at school whether you will complete the questionnaire during class or on your own at home. 


If you still have questions, please feel free to contact: lernenCOVID19.psychologie@univie.ac.at 

Thank you very much in advance for your participation!

We wish you all the best and hope you keep in good health!

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Schober 
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Marko Lüftenegger
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Christiane Spiel