Information and consent for the participation in the study: "Learning under COVID-19"

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Information and consent for the participation in the study: "Learning under COVID-19"


Dear parents!

We are conducting a study in your child's school to find out how you and your children are doing under the current circumstances (partial school closures due to the Coronavirus, distance learning, safety measures in schools). The whole school is participating and we ask you to allow your child to participate in our study, too.

Below you will find information about the study. If you allow your child to participate, they will be given the same information in age-appropriate language. The child can then decide for themselves whether they want to participate.

The study consists of two surveys: The first one is taking place now, the second one will take place in a few weeks. If you allow your child to participate now, you are consenting to both surveys. In that case, we will contact you again in a few weeks on the e-mail-address you enter below.

Participation in this study is voluntary. You can decide at any time that your child is not or no longer allowed to participate. You do not have to tell us why.

The survey is available in the following languages:
  • German
  • English
  • Bosnian / Serbian / Croatian (Bosanski / Srpski / Hrvatski)
  • Turkish (Türk)
  • Arabic (اللغة العربية)

How will the study proceed?

We will be asking your child twice to fill in a short questionnaire online. This will take between 15 and 30 minutes. The questionnaire will be about how your child is currently doing, how they are dealing with their school work and whether they are receiving enough support.

What’s the benefit of this study?

You and your child are helping us to find out how schools need to operate during a crisis in order for children to feel good and be able to study well. The study is also meant to be helpful to pupils, families and schools. Based on this study, we will be creating guidelines for pupils, parents and teachers. Further information about the study and its results can be found at

Are there any risks or further commitments?

No. Your child can decide at any time that they no longer want to participate in the study. They do not have to tell us why. Also, you can decide at any time that your child is no longer allowed to participate. You also do not have to tell us why. This will not have any consequences for you or your child.

What happens to your data?

The questionnaire data is initially stored pseudonymously. Pseudonymized means that you and your child can recognize your child's data, but no one else can. It works like this: Your child creates a code consisting of letters and numbers that he or she uses instead of his or her name.

We keep these codes until the second part of the study is over. This allows us to link the answers in the first and second questionnaires. After the second questionnaire, the study codes of all participants are replaced by a sequential number. The data set is then completely anonymized (no one can see who gave which answers). You or your child therefore have until one month after the second questionnaire at the latest to write us an e-mail and ask for the data to be deleted. If you have not understood something, or would like to know something more precisely, write us an e-mail to:

To give your consent, please fill in our consent form below!

Thank you very much!

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Schober
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Marko Lüftenegger
Univ.-Prof. DDr. Christiane Spiel

Faculty of Psychology


This field is required
This field is required: First name
This field is required
This field is required: Surname
This field is required
This field is required: E-mail address

Next, please create the code that will allow us to match your consent form to your child. Your child will create the code when filling out the questionnaire using the same scheme.


The children's codes are created like this:

  • first letter of the first name
  • last letter of the surname
  • first letter of the place of birth
  • day and year of birth in ddyy format
Example: Meryem Meier was born on 15. February 1999 in Linz. Her code is: MRL1599


Please enter the codes for all children who are between 10 and 19 years old and attend the school from which you received this link below:

This field is required
This field is required: Child 1

I agree to have my child participate in the study, "Learning under Covid-19 conditions."

I understand what the study is about and what my child needs to do. I have read the information above. I do not have any questions about it at this time. If I do have questions, I know who to ask.

I know that participation is voluntary. I can decide at any time to stop my child from participating in the study. There is no downside for me. If I want to, I can send an email at any time.

I agree that the answers my child gives to the questionnaire will be stored and used by the researchers. I agree that the data will be stored permanently anonymously. Anonymously means that no one knows who gave which answers. I also agree that this anonymized data will be published.

I agree to be contacted again by email in a few weeks for the second survey.

If I want my child's data deleted, I can email up to 1 month after they have participated in the study.

Consent child
This field is required
This field is required: Consent child